Terms of use


Continued browsing of this site implies unreserved acceptance of the following terms and conditions of use.

The current online version of these terms of use is the only one applicable during the entire period of use of the site and until a new version replaces it.

Article 1 – Legal information


Publisher: Equanim-international SAS, a simplified joint-stock company with share capital of EUR 5,000, headquartered at 76-78 avenue des Champs-Élysées – 75008 Paris, registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 893 864 751, represented by Patrick Klugman, in his capacity as Chairman.

E-mail address: contact@equanim-international.com

Director of publication: Mr Patrick Klugman, President of Equanim-international SAS.

Host: OVH , SAS with capital of €10,069,020, headquartered at 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France, RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045.

Article 2 – Site content

All trademarks, photographs, texts, comments, illustrations, images (animated or not), video sequences, sounds, as well as all computer applications that may be used to operate this site and, more generally, all elements reproduced or used on the site are protected by current intellectual property laws.

They are the full and complete property of Equanim-international SAS or its partners. Any reproduction, representation, use or adaptation, in any form whatsoever, of all or part of these elements, including computer applications, without the prior written consent of Equanim-international SAS, is strictly prohibited and constitutes an infringement. The fact that Equanim-international SAS does not initiate proceedings as soon as it becomes aware of such unauthorized use does not imply acceptance of said use and waiver of prosecution.

Article 3 – Site management

For the good management of the site, the company Equanim-international SAS will be able constantly:

  • Suspend, interrupt or limit access to all or part of the site, reserve access to the site, or to certain parts of the site, to a specific category of Internet user;
  • Delete any information that could disrupt its operation or contravene national or international laws, or the rules of Netiquette.
  • Suspend the site for updates.

Article 4 – Responsibilities

Equanim-international SAS cannot be held responsible for any failure, breakdown, difficulty or interruption in operation, preventing access to the site or any of its functions.

The equipment you use to connect to the site is your sole responsibility. You must take all appropriate measures to protect your equipment and your own data, in particular from virus attacks via the Internet. You are also solely responsible for the sites and data you consult.

Equanim-international SAS cannot be held responsible for any legal action taken against you:

  • As a result of using the site or any service accessible via the Internet ;
  • Your failure to comply with these terms and conditions.

Equanim-international SAS is not responsible for any damage caused to you, to third parties and/or to your equipment as a result of your connection to or use of the site, and you waive any claim against it in this respect.

Should Equanim-international SAS be the subject of legal or amicable proceedings as a result of your use of this site, Equanim-international SAS will be entitled to claim compensation from you for all damages, sums, fines and costs that may result from such proceedings.

Article 5 – Hypertext links

Equanim-international SAS authorizes any Internet site to establish a link pointing to the address www.equanim-international.com after simply informing the webmaster at the following address contact@equanim-international.com. Any such link is subject to the legal provisions in force.

Equanim-international SAS reserves the right, at any time, without notice and without having to justify its decision, to forbid these links. In this case, it will inform the person concerned, who will have two working days to remove the link.

Equanim-international SAS accepts no responsibility for the content of other websites to which it has created links or which may have been created without its knowledge. Access to all other websites linked to this website is at the user’s own risk. Equanim-international SAS also declines all responsibility for information contained on third-party sites to which links have been created to www.equanim-international.com.

Article 6 – Collection and protection of personal data

The www.equanim-international.com website is not intended to collect personal data on its visitors. However, www.equanim-international.com may collect such data on an incidental basis, in particular to provide a service. In this case, www.equanim-international.com undertakes not to make any commercial use of the personal data collected and to keep it only for a period strictly related to the purpose of the processing.

The data collected is intended solely for the use of Equanim-international SAS and its subcontractors in the performance of their duties. Any subcontractor who comes into contact with this data will be subject to a confidentiality obligation.

In particular, it must refrain from using all or part of this personal data for its own purposes, or from communicating it to third parties.

Equanim-international SAS implements organizational, software, legal, technical and physical measures to ensure the confidentiality and security of your personal data, so as to prevent damage, deletion or access by unauthorized third parties.

In accordance with the regulations in force concerning the protection of personal data, you have the right to object to and limit the processing of your personal data, as well as the right to access, rectify, delete and port your personal data, which you may exercise at any time by contacting Equanim-international SAS either directly on the website under the heading “Contact”, or by post to the communications department / website: Equanim International SAS, 76-78 avenue des Champs Élysée – 75008.

For security reasons and to avoid fraudulent requests, this request must be accompanied by proof of identity. Once the request has been processed, this proof of identity will be destroyed.

In the event of difficulty in connection with the management of your personal data, you may lodge a complaint with the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL) or any other competent authority.

Article 7 – Cookies

A cookie is the equivalent of a small text file stored on the user’s terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone). They enable website developers to store user data in order to facilitate browsing and enable certain functionalities.

The cookies used by the www.equanim-international.com website are mainly used to compile statistics on site traffic and usage, in order to improve the use of the site, the paths taken and the functionalities offered.

The site may automatically collect standard information. Any information collected indirectly will only be used to monitor the volume, type and pattern of traffic using this site, to develop the design and layout of the site and for other administrative and planning purposes and generally to improve the service we offer you.

You can set your browser to alert you to the presence of cookies and to offer you the choice of whether or not to accept them. You can accept or reject cookies on a case-by-case basis, or refuse them once and for all.

Article 8 – Applicable law and jurisdiction

These terms and conditions of use are governed by French law and are subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of Paris, unless specific jurisdiction is conferred by a particular legal or regulatory text.

 Article 9 – Contact us

If you have any questions or require information about the site itself, please send an e-mail to the following address: contact@equanim-international.com